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SQL Frames provides one of the most advanced tabular data rendering engines. Most advanced data rendering components (such as data grids and data tables) leverage div HTML element instead of table HTML elements to render their data. This causes all sorts of issues accessibility issues and also can potentially require lot of manual coding and/or heavy CPU computation to keep things in sync to provide the illusion of a tabular UI.

SQL Frames UI is based on HTML table element. This has its own challenges but mostly to the component provider and not the developer or the end user making use of it. A lot of research has gone in making the SQL Frames data grid component work well and smoothly for very large data sets.

Below is the list of all the featues supported by the UI component.


Only UX features are discussed here. See rest of the documentation for all the data model and transformation features provided by SQL Frames.

Data types
Regular dataNormal 2-d grid (aggregate/non-aggregate)
Hierarchical dataGrouped non-aggregate data
Recursive hierarchical dataExamples - Employee-Manager, Bills Of Material
Hierarchical aggregate dataAggregate data with sub/grand totals
Pivoted dataAggregate data pivoted
Hierarchical pivot dataPivot data with rows organized as hierarchy with sub/grand totals
Infinite scrolling
Fixed columnsFix left (right for rtl) columns and scroll the rest
Column GroupingLogically group multiple columns
Dynamic height rowsNo need to code the row heights
Dynamic width columnsNo need to code the column widths
Data LayoutsAbility to render rows with custom layouts that can be toggled
Advanced filtersAd-hoc AND/OR/NOT conditions builder
Relative comparisioncompare between two fields
Text search integrationbased on lunr
SlicersUsing slicer dropdowns to filter data
Hierarchical SlicersExamples - Territory and Time hierarchies
Canned SearchesAbility to toggle between pre-defined searches
Multi-sortSorting on multiple columns
Hierarchical sortSort data recursively down the entire hierarchy
Pivoted column sortSorting pivot data horizontally using the pivot columns
Pivoted column value sortSorting pivot data horizontally using the pivot values
Data FormattersFormatting of data like currency
StylersStyling of rows, columns, cells, headers, pivot columns
Cell RenderersAbility to customize data display for individual fields
Row RenderersAbility to render entire row with a custom layout
Selection Model
Multi-row selectionPossible to toggle between single/multi-select mode
Multi-cell secectionMore than one cell across multiple rows can be selected
Hierarchical selectionSelecting a parent node selects the entire branch
Hierarchical Data
Hierarchy outlineVertical outline of the hierarchy
Single nodes liftingAutomatically lifts up the single nodes to higher levels to avoid manual effort
Summary ValuesAbility to augment intermediate rows with summaries like count and sum for specific columns
Summary TagsAbility to augment intermediate rows with summaries like count and sum displayed as continuous tags (not aligned with columns)
Single (Compact)/Separate column displayAllows displaying the entire hierarchy in one or separate columns
Dimension HierarchiesWhen hierarchy is displayed in separate columns, entire dimension hierarchy still continues within the same column
Multiple Dimension Hierarchies
Pivoted Data
Multiple pivot rows, columns and valuesNo limit other than watching out for performance
Stacked display of multiple pivot valuesHelps with horizontal sorting by value
Hierarchical Pivot Data
Data that is pivoted and hierarchcial. All features of both type of data is supported
Row virtualizationDisplay only the rows that are visible
Column virtualizationDisplay only the columns that are visible (pivot tables only)
Configurable menubar
Configurable context menu