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This page contains links to the documentation of the various products we offer.

Sheets BI

Sheets BI, built using SQL Frames and SQL Frames Designer is a BI app that lets anyone easily explore data from Google Sheets, CSV and Excel files from Google Drive, public datasets and local files. It is avaiable as a Desktop edition and a Server edition. Sheets BI Desktop App is fully functional and is free for personal and professional use.

See Documentation and Release Notes.

SQL Frames Designer

SQL Frames Designer, built using SQL Frames low-code API provides no-code designer components to create charts, pivot tables, dashboards and workbooks with simple and intuitive drag and drop WYSIWYG user interfaces. This makes it possible for your non-technical users to start exploring data on their own.

See Documentation and Release Notes.

SQL Frames

SQL Frames aims to bring data analysis and visualization directly into the browser with several novel ideas to improve productivity of people working with data. We are offering this technology for others to build creative appications on top of it. For example, we have a customer who built highly interactive forecasting application.

See Documentation and Release Notes.

3rd party Software

You can see the list of 3rd party software we use and for what purpose.


Please reach out to support @ if you need any assistance.