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Drilldown Charts

SQL Frames provides an easy to use low-code API to create powerful drilldown capabilities.


Once a chart is constructed, a drillpath can be added to it. This dynamically creates DataFrames as needed to drill through and add the additional filter context. Any order By clause and Limit By clauses are also propagated down the drilldowns if they are applicable. Using the provided breadcrumbs, it is possible to navigate between the charts.


Multi-level drilldowns

The API is called drillpath as it is possible to do more than one level of drilldowns. It is also possible to use calculations for the drillpath which is especially useful for time series data as shown below.


Multi-point drilldowns

What if you want to see the drilldown information from multiple data points? This is indeed possible with SQL Frames. In any of the charts above, click on the DataFrame icon to open the underlying DataFrame, choose Multi-select from the menu to enable selecting multiple rows and then use the drill previous/next controls in the title bar of the DataFrame dialog. From SQL perspective this is equivalent to using an in clause instead of = clause.

Multi-LOD drilldowns

SQL Frames allows charts with multiple levels of details (LODs), see static grids. Combining drilldown capability with grid charts gives an unprecedented level of visualization experience. It allows to understand data distribution along one Level of Detail while drilling along the other Level of Detail. In the following example, the sales data for Item Type is analyzed by drilling down along Region and Year.


The year field is used twice so that it is possible to see the distribution of the Item Type within a year.

Multi-LOD dynamic grid drilldowns
