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SSL Certificate

The Sheets BI desktop internally launches a web server and the app is available via https://localhost:4443/ . This requires SSL certificates. The browsers will not consider these certificates as valid and require explicit consent. In addition, the certificates are generated each time the app is restarted. This can soon become very annoying to go through the consent process. To avoid this, a self-signed root certificate is generated and this certificate is used to generate the SSL certificates every time the app is launched. So, it only requires adding the self-signed root certificate to your OS (keychain for Mac) once.

The Root Certificate menu option can be used to download the root certificate used by the app. Download it to any directory and then go through the process of installing it into the trusted list of root certificates as per the procedure of your OS.

Importing Root Certificate

  1. Windows follow these instructions.

  2. Mac follow these instructions.


Once the certificate is imported, you may need to restart your browser if page refresh doesn't work.

Root Certificate Details

The self-signed Root Certificate created by Sheets BI will have the following information.

  1. Common Name Sheets BI Desktop Root CA [random-number]
  2. Organization
  3. Organizational Unit Sheets BI

Even though the app is running and accessble only on localhost, HTTPS provides additional security. The web server is also CORS and CSRF enabled for enterprise grade security.