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SQL Frames V2

· 2 min read
Siva Dirisala
Creator of SQL Frames

Almost 10 months after releasing v1, we are now releasing SQL Frames v2. This version comes with some breaking changes. However those who rely on the provided main.mjs to load SQL Frames will not experience any disruption. Only those who have custom build may need to adjust their build scripts. If you run into any problem, reach out to us.

Apart from several quality fixes, the key breaking changes are related to improved security and interoperability. Here are the list of breaking changes from the release notes and what they mean.

  1. preact/jsx-runtime instead of htm The react markup was being done using javascript string tags feature. The good thing with this is it reduces additional build dependencies. But it also has some downsides like difficult to ensure valid markup, runtime parsing of the strings. By moving away from htm to preact/jsx-runtime we are now able to leverage standard typescript react compilation.
  2. Security of 3rd party libraries To avoid man-in-the-middle attacks, it is important to validate the integrity of imports javascripts within a page. SQL Frames has enabled this for all the libraries that provide such integrity guarantees.
  3. Isolated require context The OOTB main.mjs uses require.js to load several dependencies. Earlier these dependencies were all loaded into the global context. This can conflict with rest of the app. To avoid this starting from v2, all dependencies including SQL Frames are loaded within an isolated context.

We are glad to see the SQL Frames product being leveraged in multiple production deployments and are relentlessly working on improving all aspects of the product.